Serving at All Souls
God has blessed each of us with gifts that help us reach out, build the Church, and be released to the ends of the earth. Whether it’s offering a warm welcome to a visitor, serving with the toddlers in our nursery, or participating with the worship team, it all matters. At All Souls, it’s our desire to see every individual connected, and serving the body can be a great way to be connected. Get plugged in by signing up for opportunities posted in our newsletter or ask any staff member.
Serving the City
All Souls Church seeks less to create programs than to invest our time, energy, and resources where God is already at work in the city. The people of All Souls Church use their individual capabilities and resources to join with the myriad of existing organizations, events, and ministries in the city. We also traditionally allocate ten percent of our General Fund income to non-profits that seek the peace of Knoxville. We call this 10 to the City.