At All Souls Church, we lead in the service of God and on behalf of the members of our church. We are a people-driven, staff-led, shepherd-guided church. We choose leaders on the basis of gifting and not gender. All positions of leadership at All Souls Church are open to both women and men. Gender neither qualifies nor disqualifies any individual from holding positions of authority in our church
Shepherd-Guided: Our shepherds oversee the church by setting the goal lines, or guard rails, to protect the body while empowering the staff to implement the vision.
Staff-Led: Organizational and operational functions are delegated to the staff and directed by the lead pastor.
People-Driven: All Souls people lead in every part of our church. We honor the passions, gifts, and contributions of the people in our church and believe one of the best ways to get connected with others in the church family is to serve in some capacity.

Phil Aud
Lead Pastor
Phil Aud | Lead Pastor
Phil and his family moved from Calgary, Alberta, where Phil served as a full-time Chaplain at the University of Calgary, and he and his wife Marisa served in various pastoral roles in the city. Phil accepted the call to serve as Lead Pastor of All Souls Church and the Auds began their journey with All Souls Church in February of 2023. Phil loves the Church, has a passion for theology and the impact it can have on our day to day lives, a heart for racial conciliation and cross-cultural and multi-generational ministry, and a desire to seek the welfare of our city. If you are interested in learning more about Phil, he writes at https://philaud.substack.com/ and hosts a podcast called Theomagination (https://www.buzzsprout.com/775445). You can also check out our weekly sermons at All Souls Church here (https://www.buzzsprout.com/16346/). To email Phil, click here.

Marisa Aud
Pastor of Liturgical Practice and Pastoral Care
Marisa Aud | Pastor of Liturgical Practice and Pastoral Care
Marisa is the Pastor of Liturgical Practice and Pastoral Care. She and her husband Phil have been in ministry together since 2003 and have been delighted to make the move to Knoxville from the great Canadian Rockies. Marisa is a Vocalist and Enneagram Coach and enjoys facilitating connections through liturgy and relational dynamics. Marisa is passionate about helping people find a safe place within the church where they are seen, known, and accepted by others. To email Marisa, click here.

Office Manager
Katelyn | Office Manager
Shepherding Team

Judy Pate
Judy Pate
Judy has been a member of All Souls since 2005 and previously served on the Shepherding Team from 2006-2011. She and her husband Mark love to encourage and pray for people, being involved in their spiritual growth and healing. They also enjoy long drives, hanging out in the Smokies, treasure-hunting antiques and spending as much time as possible with their grandkids.

Steve Cottrell
Steve Cottrell

Adrian Gonzalez
Adrian Gonzalez | Board Secretary

Lisa Scott
Lisa Scott

Samantha Buller-Young
Samantha Buller-Young

Laura Lysen
Laura Lysen